Saturday, November 19, 2011

Drapacz Chmur

Drapacz Chmur (English: Skyscraper) is a historical building in Katowice, Silesia, Poland. It was the first skyscraper built in post-World War I Poland. Finished in 1934 after five years of construction, it made pioneering Polish use of steel frame construction. Today, Drapacz Chmur is considered the most spectacular and beautiful example of functionalism in Poland.

The building has seventeen stories, fourteen above the ground, and contained one of the first garbage chutes in Poland. It is 60 m tall and until 1955, it was the highest building in the country. It was designed by architect Tadeusz Kozłowski and structural engineer Stefan Bryła to house Polish Revenue Office employees.

Info: Wiki (EN, PL)

Photo by Lestat (Jan Mehlich) @ Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

Pablo J. Álvarez said...

Interesting structural solutions.